Software Testing Framework | Behavior Driver Development (BDD)| Cucumber


What is Framework in software Testing?

Framework helps us create effective structure and folder mapping to run test scripts for our software testing needs.

Types of Framework?  

  • TDD - Test Driven Development
  • BDD - Behavior Driven Development

What is BDD? | Introduction | Need | Tools for BDD (Cucumber)| Use


behavior driven development is the advance testing process where all the stake holders such as developers, Manual and Automation Testers, Client, Product Managers, etc. can get involved in the testing process without the knowledge of Coding

How does BDD Work?

BDD framework follows GWT approach. 

G - Given (Pre requisite - Set of pre defined rules)
W- When (Action - Which actions needs to be perform)
T- Then (Final Result - What we expect from the action)

File Structure in BDD

BDD Framework for software testing has three files:

  • Runner File  - This is use to run the step def and feature file 
  • Step Def File - This includes all the code to run the test
  • Feature File - This file consist of test cases in plane Gherkin (English) Language 

Cucumber for BDD

Cucumber helps us create the Step def file using the Feature file. 

